Don’t try to understand everything. Sometimes it isn’t meant to be understood, but to be accepted.


Nothing makes sense but it is okay. So there is no reason to figure it out. It is better to leave things alone than forcing yourself to go through the complexity of trying to understand something. Accept it is what it is, and let it be.

Don’t be eye candy. Be soul food.

Tell me who is not into pretty things. I find joy in anything aesthetically pleasing. It makes me marvel and sigh, wondering if such beauty can truly exist. But, there is also pleasure in the words that we hear. Uttering a beautiful word or two can have the same special effect- just not visually. Perhaps be a soul food rolled in an eye candy… How about that?

Don’t forget to take a breather.

Life will always be busy and never easy. Work, family, kids and commitments are there waiting for our attention, and God continues to test us. They are by default a part of living that remain a constant. Learn to pause every now and then for this is just a life, not an eternity.

Don’t be afraid of being different, be afraid to being the same as everyone else.

Accept the quirkiness in yourself and others. This is what makes us who we are- special or odd, it does not matter. Being normal is overrated as you are forced to conform to what is expected rather than existed. Who determines the standard anyway?

Love, Aiza 💌

Power of Positivity

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